Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So, my plan is working. I am working very hard to create a presence in the writing world, and I have begun.  I just published my first online article as a NY Relationship Advice Examiner on Examiner.com.
Take a look at it, and let me know what you think.  The more you comment and subscribe the better I do, so give me all sorts of responses on the site, and become a fan.

Here's the link:

Clarification Removes Awkwardness from Relationships

Also, if you're interested in writing regularly for Examiner.com, let me know. =)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Writer, this is Brett E.
    I like your article on clarifying relationships. Very practical, but you should've told me 4 years ago.
    Anyway, I'm interested in this writing gig thingy. Is it writing articles like you did? Or just like a 'letter to the editor' thing? Do I have to live in NY? Thanks.
