Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So, my plan is working. I am working very hard to create a presence in the writing world, and I have begun.  I just published my first online article as a NY Relationship Advice Examiner on Examiner.com.
Take a look at it, and let me know what you think.  The more you comment and subscribe the better I do, so give me all sorts of responses on the site, and become a fan.

Here's the link:

Clarification Removes Awkwardness from Relationships

Also, if you're interested in writing regularly for Examiner.com, let me know. =)

Monday, December 14, 2009

My Mind is Moving Again....

It's a wonderful thing to have the itch to read and write.
It's like waking up with words and a message to convey at the first opening of your eyes or a song in your mind that you can't stop singing.
It's been a long day, and the to-do lists never end.... my mind is slightly tired, but I am excited at the prospect of a new idea running around my mind.
Writing is an art, a sport, a science, a formula, and a passion.  Unless all parts are present at the execution, the product is a fail.
I shiver at the falling temperature around me and ignore the time that ticks away as the house around me slowly closes up and heads to bed.  I have to write.  Creativity - necessity - calls me to this, and I am smiling at the joy of a keyboard beneath my fingers again and the mind moving faster than those fingers can move.

My life is full.  I have much to write about.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Does Life Begin After College?

My question is simple, and I believe most college students would avidly answer "Yes."  Life begins after the degree is accomplished, and the school loans are paid off.  Life begins after the classroom is long-forgotten and the homework assignments long-since completed.
I disagree.  My life has begun now, and so has my writing career.  Yes, it is indeed a humble beginning, and one that will be slow to rise to a point of true writing success.  However, if the road does not begin now, when will it?  After my degree is accomplished and the school loans are bearing down? After the classroom is long-forgotten and the homework is long-since completed?  No, let that long road begin now, so that when those times come, I will be that much farther along.
The topics on this blog might vary.  They might present a series.  They might criticize a book or film I have read or seen.  They might comment on current events or issues.  Only time will tell. I am a writer.